Love Your Life

Embracing My Imperfections

Have you ever had a day that completely went in the opposite direction that you were hoping for? You know those days that you start with the good intention of being loving, patient and joyful with those you love the most, just to end up screaming after the first person you interact with, and this right after meditating for 20 minutes!

Always remember that your are not your emotions!

Well I had one of those days this week, and I can tell you that it really throughs you off. You not only feel exhausted from going through the waves of emotions, but also guilty for not being able to live up to the standards you’ve set up for yourself, in my case that is being loving, calm and joyful all day. Hummmm…. I wonder if these expectations are not setting me up to fail from the start, or maybe not?

So what do you do when this happens? We all get days like these, right? Or maybe it’s just me, but I’m pretty sure that’s not the case, since you wouldn’t have read so far in this blog post if you didn’t feel some form of connection to the feelings I just described ๐Ÿ™‚ Do you self sabotage the rest of your day with feeling guilty for not being able to live up to your expectations? No, of course not! Although my daughter does a pretty good job at this when it happens to her, but she’s only 13. She’s still got lots to learn about embracing her uniqueness, and just how beautiful she truly is with all of her imperfections!

However, although many of us may not stop ourselves from continuing on with our daily shores when we have these unforseen moments, we subconsciously do continue the negative self talk in our minds, day in and day out, without paying any attention to it! We feed our brains with this idea that we are incapable of living up to our own expectations, so we must not be worthy of love, of success or true happiness. We feed our brains with thoughts, such as ”I’m a terrible parent because I can’t even keep it together in front of my children”, or again, ” I am just too emotional for my own good”, or maybe it’s more like this, ”What is wrong with me? Why do I always screw up? ”. Does any of this sound familiar?

What If Your Imperfections Are Exactly The Key To An Amazing Life?

Have you ever thought that maybe your imperfections, those stubborn traights of your personality that you just can’t seem to get rid of, that keep resurfacing no matter how hard you try, were exactly what you needed to live a more meaningful life? Have you ever thought that maybe it’s exactly these imperfections that are calling you to be more? Your deepest pains and struggles in life may not be something you wish for, but they can become your ally and friend, if you learn to nurture them and accept them for what they are, that is a calling to BE more.

I invite you to start looking at your imperfections as your allies, that will guide you through life and teach you who you are meant to BE. What ever struggles you have, they are always calling you to overcome them. Even if it takes you a lifetime to do so, it doesn’t matter really, because every step of the way you are always getting closer to becoming who you are meant to BE. What if who you are meant to BE is exactly the opposite of your imperfec-tions? Now that’s food for thought!

Let’s take my example to illustrate what I’m talking about here. In my case, I’ve struggled my whole life with my emotions. Sometimes it may be anger, other times deep sorrow, or again fear and anxiety. These are all emotions I used to feel daily in my earlier years. However, over time, since I’ve always been on a personal journey towards becoming a better version of myself, I’ve improved. I don’t feel these emotions every single day any longer. They come and go and I can now see them for what they are, that is my imperfect self that needs a little attention. Now when I am angry, a litterally loose it over something trivial, like I did this week, this after 20 minutes of meditating let’s not forget, I take a moment to reflect on what just happened. I take the time needed to calm down. Then I go apologies to the person involved in the conflict, and we TALK, and TALK, until we both are able to understand what just happened, so to minimize the chances of it happening again. That’s it! That’s what happens every single time. And guess what? Chances are it will happen again, until we both learn a new pattern of behavior that will bring us that much closer to who we are both meant to BE.

So there you are my friend. Now you know that I am NOT perfect. Although, I talk about brain health and mental wellbeing in my posts and this blog, I do so because I am on this journey with YOU. I’m figuring all of this out with you, as I write and as I share my experiences and knowledge throughout my posts. We are in this together. Why? Because we are both aspiring for more, and both know deep down that more does exists. We just need to keep moving forward, one step at a time, one day at a time. In the end, if we don’t quit, thanks to our imperfections, we WILL become who we are meant to BE.

What Defines Us Is How We Raise After Falling.”

– Unknown Author –

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